Work continues on practice field

Tasia Richardson, Hi-Gusher Staff

El Dorado High School was recently given the approval to expand its practice field.
The school put out bids for things over $1,000 and came up with the contract that worked for the proper bid.
Wildcat Offensive Coordinator Nick Vaughn said that in late December the process of the expansion began.
Due to the late start the school hasn’t yet hydroseeded the ninth grade hill, which leaves the field to be scaled back some more, he said.
The expansion of the field is expected to give the players more room and space to work with. “Right now all we’re doing is cutting back on the hill to give a more room on the ninth grade side,” said Vaughn.
Although the varsity field is complete, the ninth grade field is still under construction as they’re just now starting to do some more scaling back on the side of the hill.
Players will be able to have more run-off space on the sides, causing it to be not as dangerous. Meanwhile on the varsity end, the expansion has given them a little more room but also helps secure the hill because of all the erosion.