Cat Chat: What Are The Pro’s and Con’s of a Relationship?
January 18, 2018
What are the pro’s and con’s of being in a relationship?
— Wandering and Wondering
There are so many pros and cons of being in a relationship with someone. A relationship can be a great thing, if it’s a healthy one.
Some pros of a comfortable relationship is that you have a best friend. Your partner should be your shoulder to cry on and the person you go to for advice. They are also someone you should always be yourself around and someone you can have fun with.
If the person you are with doesn’t love you for you then what’s the point of the relationship? Always be yourself.
Sometimes, your significant other may need reassurance to see if you’re still as interested as you were when you first started dating. Give it to them. Nothing hurts more than feeling like your boyfriend/girlfriend doesn’t love you.
An additional thing that’s great about a relationship is always having someone there for you. Chances are, you get to share everything with them and it’s a great feeling.
Although there are multiple pros for a relationship, it also comes with its downsides.
Relationships are very time consuming and may take your eye off of the things that are important. They may take away your time from friends or family. If you don’t think you have enough time and can give enough attention to your boyfriend/girlfriend, don’t get into a relationship at this moment.
Some people get bored with the same the same person and doing the same things. Try new things to try to make your relationship more interesting. Go on adventures, have deep talks, try to find date options with your partner you have never tried.
It takes a lot of trial and error, but find out what works for you and (maybe) your relationship.
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