Spotlight on: Angie Parker

Sarah Beeman, EHS Hi-Gusher Staff

After graduating from EHS, Angela Parker said she never wanted to go back.

She even moved to Philadelphia, but remarks that “El Dorado is like a black hole, it will suck you back in.” She has gotten her bachelor’s degree from Southern Arkansas University and is currently in graduate school at Clemson University. 

Parker loves to exercise in her free time, spending time with her family, and traveling. Every year, she takes students to a different country with a program called Global Classroom, which she organizes. She hopes to go to Galápagos next year.

Regarding her students, Parker had a lot to say, “I want my students to see me as a teacher with good character and morals.  I want them to see me as their cheerleader, encourager, and someone who pushes them to achieve learning that they themselves doubted.  I hope they feel safe in my classroom and vulnerable enough to allow growth and learning to occur.” 

She continues to say that she does ask quite a lot from her students, “Of course!  I ask a lot of my students — I am going to ask them to think hard, so I need to develop a sense of trust. This has been difficult for me this year. It takes time but we usually develop a sense of mutual respect and relationship that often lasts beyond their graduation.”

Virtual learning, though, has made this harder. Parker commented, “It has been tough teaching virtually — change is difficult for anyone.  I just wish I could better relate to my virtual students and build a good relationship. Working on it.”

Parker says that if she weren’t teaching biology, she’d be teaching anatomy, “ I used to teach anatomy and really loved it.  I would also love to teach botany because I think plants are the best!”