EHS Held a Pep-Rally Before the State Championship Football Game

Ramya Miller, Hi-Gusher

  • Jessie Harrell attended the Pep-Rally before the State Championship Football game on December 4th, 2021.

  • EHS cheerleaders performing at the Pep-Rally before the State Championship game.

  • EHS cheerleaders performing at the Pep-Rally before the State Championship game.

  • EHS cheerleaders performing at the Pep-Rally before the State Championship game.

  • EHS cheerleaders performing at the Pep-Rally before the State Championship game.

  • EHS cheerleaders performing at the Pep-Rally before the State Championship game.

  • EHS cheerleaders performing at the Pep-Rally before the State Championship game.

  • EHS cheerleaders performing at the Pep-Rally before the State Championship game.

  • EHS cheerleaders performing at the Pep-Rally before the State Championship game.

  • BJHS cheerleaders performing at the Pep-Rally before the State Championship game.

  • EHS cheerleaders performing at the Pep-Rally before the State Championship game.

  • EHS cheerleaders performing at the Pep-Rally before the State Championship game.

  • EHS cheerleaders performing at the Pep-Rally before the State Championship game.

  • EHS cheerleaders performing at the Pep-Rally before the State Championship game.

  • BJHS cheerleaders performing at the Pep-Rally before the State Championship game.

  • EHS cheerleaders performing at the Pep-Rally before the State Championship game.

  • EHS cheerleaders performing at the Pep-Rally before the State Championship game.

  • EHS cheerleaders performing at the Pep-Rally before the State Championship game.

  • EHS cheerleaders performing at the Pep-Rally before the State Championship game.

  • EHS cheerleaders performing at the Pep-Rally before the State Championship game.

  • EHS cheerleaders performing at the Pep-Rally before the State Championship game.

  • The EHS football boys rocking to the

  • EHS and BJHS Cheerleaders rocking to the Alma Mater at the end of the Pep-Rally before the State Championship game.

  • EHS Cheerleaders rocking to the Alma Mater at the end of the Pep-Rally before the State Championship game.

  • EHS Cheerleaders rocking to the Alma Mater at the end of the Pep-Rally before the State Championship game.

  • EHS Cheerleaders rocking to the Alma Mater at the end of the Pep-Rally before the State Championship game.

  • EHS football boys walking through EHS cheerleaders to get on the bus to Little Rock.

  • EHS football boys walking through EHS cheerleaders to get on the bus to Little Rock.

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