EHS Principal Sherry Hill Shares Outlook for New Year
Hill Excited to Get the Year Going
September 12, 2022
Q: What’s your outlook for the school year? Do you think this will be a good school year?
A: Yes, I do. I think we’ve had a pretty good start to the school year. I think last year was a hard year for a lot of reasons, and this year we’re off to a better start.
Q: Do you think Covid may cause a problem like in the past?
A: It hasn’t gone away. It’s different. Is it possible that we could have a huge outbreak and impact the school in some way–that’s possible, but we haven’t had many issues with it so far.
Q: Are there any special events that you think students should know about?
A: We have a lot of things coming up. We’re gonna have a college fair coming up where colleges will come with all their information… Especially for seniors, they’re gonna have a meeting about ordering their caps and gowns and stuff like that coming up.
So that’s always exciting for seniors because you would think it would be too early but it takes time for everything to come in. I’m hearing about a lot of clubs that are having conferences and competitions coming up. Of course, we are in the middle of football season and that is always big and interesting.
Here’s what I do think. I think we’re getting back to normal which a lot of our kids that are here at the high school now, the underclassmen, would not know about; we’re really getting back into bringing people from college fairs, allowing some colleges to come in during lunch and set up.
Things that we really started picking up with last spring. Really we’re just trying to get back to school as normal, as much as we can. I don’t think it will ever really be the same before covid, but I do think we’re trying to get back to doing school.
Q: What part of the school year do you really look forward to the most?
A: Personally, I look forward to seeing kids have fun with different activities. I was a junior high principal for thirteen years, and so one of the most fun things, when I came to the high school, was watching the students mature from freshman year or senior year because of how much they changed.
By the time they’re seniors they start to know what they want to do for life and work and that is all very interesting and fun. To watch them start to figure out life and what they want to do with it. And I didn’t get to see that in junior high. Some students really change a lot.